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  • Writer's pictureChevonnese Chevers Whyte

News Talk 93 FM On Campus

Topic: The Beryl Allen Award for Innovative Teaching

Interview Date: May 21, 2023

The call went out and I was nominated for The Beryl Allen Award for Innovative Technology. What happened next was definitely from the movies. The multiverse activated and I received a call that said I had won the award. Me, Chevonnese Chevers Whyte, won the inaugural award for The Beryl Allen Award for Innovative Teaching. I'm still beside myself with the news. Out of that award, I was asked to chronicle my journey and how the award came to be. Listen to the interview by Cassandra Brenton of the Marketing Unit of the UWI, Mona, and aired on News Talk 93 FM on May 21, 2023. I hope you enjoy.

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